Prof. Dr. h. c. Heinz-Jürgen Scheld and his wife Beate from KEET have been holding their series of seminars on the topic of fulfilling life and developing potential at the Saalbacher Hof for several years now. This time, our long-standing employee Francesco took part in the week-long event and reported on it. Francesco, please introduce yourself 🙂 I'm Francesco, [...].
We say THANK YOU! - The Dreamwork Crew is simply the best
An eventful summer season in Saalbach is slowly coming to an end, with some uncertainties due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, but also with many bright spots and moments that fill us with pride. Once again, it's time to show our gratitude, especially to our dear Dreamwork crew, who had to be a little more flexible than usual this year [...]
Corporate Happiness® & Reiki
Relax! But how? We had Sascha Frumm at the Saalbacher Hof to answer this question. He is an independent Reiki master and took the time to flood the SBH crew with energy and helped us to find our inner peace. To do this, he used a centuries-old technique that is almost [...]
"We are DREAMWORK" No. 1
Who are you and what do you do at SBH? I'm Krzysztof, and I'm originally from Poland. My job has a lot to do with entertainment, whether it's having fun with the guests or having a good time with my colleagues. That's very important to me, I'm always "live on stage"! Oh yes, by the way [...]
Goals workshop
"He who knows his goal will find the way," the poet Christian Morgenstern once said. But what are your goals, your wishes, your inner longings? Have you already dealt with them? We at Dreamwork can help you with this. In our goal workshops, we help you to find your true goals.
Our rules of the game - give and take in equal measure
As everywhere in life, there needs to be a balance between giving and taking. This is the only way to be in harmony with yourself. At SBH, we offer everyone the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally. In addition, the crew have access to many benefits after completing the onboarding pass. In return, we expect consistently good performance and the ability to surpass oneself. True pioneering moments in your own area of responsibility and inspiring our guests across the board.
Business makes school
The Wirtschaft macht Schule project is a project close to our hearts - because it is more than just a simple company presentation. In cooperation with the teachers of the new secondary schools, building blocks were developed for the implementation of the concept. The learning content in the schools is adapted to the requirements of the tourism industry over a longer period of time. For example, dough recipes are converted, offers are sought and created, cooked and served. One morning per year is organized in team teaching with the teachers and pupils of the 3rd grade NMS.
Crew catering reloaded
At SBH, a team of four people is dedicated to crew catering. Fresh, organic dishes - from meat and fish to vegan - are prepared every day. There is something for everyone. Not only that - Kathy also invites you to change your eating style.
Hotelkit - our communication tool
How can information be distributed within the company so that knowledge is accessible to everyone? Our solution: a knowledge management tool.
With the digital solution Hotelkit, which every employee at SBH has access to, everyone has access to knowledge.