Prof. Dr. h. c. Heinz-Jürgen Scheld and his wife Beate from KEET have been holding their series of seminars on the topic of fulfilling life and developing potential at the Saalbacher Hof for several years now. This time, our long-standing employee Francesco took part in the week-long event and reported on it.
Francesco, please introduce yourself first 🙂
I am Francesco, from Bella Italia. I'm part of the big SBH family and have been for about 3 years. You can usually meet me there in the 5-Elemente Restaurant, where I work as Chef de Rang.
What exactly is KEET?
KEET is a mixture of seminar and workshop, but also a bit of (self-)therapy. It is primarily about a positive attitude to life, how to achieve something positive for yourself and also something positive for others. Exuding positive energy, finding and using hidden potentials are the most important topics here.
Why did you want to take part here?
I have been looking after all KEET trainers and participants in the restaurant for a long time and have always been very impressed by the friendliness and energy you exude. Over time I have also learned more and more about KEET and this has made me curious.
Isabella and Carina, the owner and hotel manager of the Saalbacher Hof, encouraged me to take part.
Thank you very much Isabella and Carina for financing my participation!
In retrospect, would you take part again or did it help you personally?
I currently have to process all the new impressions I've gained. This really exciting week has more of a long-term effect on you. But what I already know is that I can put myself in the emotional worlds of my fellow human beings much better, which can only make for better cooperation - both privately and professionally.
I have also been given a few things that have made me more focused on my goals. I am increasingly aware of what I actually want in life and what I still have left in me. I am very grateful for that 🙂
You can find more information about the KEET seminar series on their homepage.